A lot has been happening in the Oblate Youth Office with preparations for NOYE and a few other exciting projects for next year under way! We’ve also had some pretty awesome news!!!

In September, we were informed that Fr. Christian Fini has been appointed as Provincial of the Oblates here in Australia. This is exciting news for the province and for OYA. We wish Fini the best of luck in his new appointment. 


In April 2019, OYA will be taking a small group to participate in an immersion experience in Hong Kong and Guangzhou. It is a unique opportunity, and the first OYA has sent a group to experience the differences and similarities and culture and faith in China.
The trip is for ages 18+ and the estimated cost is $3000. There are limited spaces available so make sure you fill in the expression of interest below.



8th April - Depart Australia for Hong Kong
9th - 12th - Spend time teaching native english in the Oblate schools. The afternoons and evenings will be an opportunity to do some site seeing.
13th - Disneyland
14th - Visit to Victoria Peak and then mass in a local parish


15th - Travel from Hong Kong to Guangzhou by train
16th - 20th - Spending time with the Oblates and visiting their various ministries
21st - Mass at the Cathedral and Pearl River Cruise with the Oblate Youth in China
22nd - Depart Guangzhou for Australia 

NOYE 2019

NOYE Registration is now OPEN! The theme for this event is "On the Road" and it is set to be another awesome camp. We invite you all to come along and share in our faith and charism and reconnect with each other. NOYE will run from the 3rd - 6th January 2019. The cost for the event is $350 for Victorians and $280 for those travelling from Interstate. NOYE 2018 had the most participants we've ever had at this campsite, and we are expecting similar numbers for this camp, so please make sure you register asap as we don't want anyone to miss out! 



3-6 January 2019 - NOYE in Melbourne
9-25 April 2019 - Hong Kong/Guangzhou Trip
8-10 December 2019 - ACYF in Perth

We will be keeping you posted as much as possible on Facebook and on our website but if you have any questions or want more information on any of the above events, please feel free to call the Oblate Youth Office on 03 9795 5077 or email erice@oblates.com.au.

Emma Rice1 Comment