OYA Update!

It has been a busy year for Oblate Youth Australia. After another successful Encounter in January, we’ve been involved with events happening from Perth to China.

In April, a few Oblate Youth members participated in a two-week immersion trip to Hong Kong and mainland China. Visiting the Oblates in this part of the world was an exciting and educational experience. In Hong Kong, we visited the Oblate schools and joined in with their lessons. We had a chance to teach and share with the students, and they had a chance to teach us the things they had been learning in class. The following week we moved to Guangzhou in mainland China, meeting up with other Oblates there, as well as Oblate Youth China. We experienced more of the Cantonese culture, and joined with the outreach programs that are happening there. The trip was such a powerful experience that reminded us of the gifts we have been given and the truly important things in life.      

Re-Encounter 2019 was held in July this year, providing an opportunity for Oblate Youth members and participants from NOYE 2019 to gather once again in Melbourne for a weekend of formation and celebration as a community. We were blessed with the presence of Fr. Austin Cooper OMI, who gave us an insightful and engaging talk on Charism of the Oblates, allowing us to think deeper about how we play a role in the mission of the Oblates. This connected well with our AGM which gave us the opportunity to discuss the vision and direction of Oblate Youth Australia. The weekend concluded with a Mass and a sit-down dinner, allowing us to enjoy each other’s company over some drinks and delicious food.

The De Mazenod Family Gathering was held in Fremantle in August to celebrate the 125th anniversary of the arrival of the Oblates in Australia. A conference was held with representatives from each of the Oblate missions across Australia. A number of Oblate Youth members were present at the gathering, representing various other ministries, including Rosies, schools and their home Parishes. The success of the event is already being felt, with new initiatives starting over the next 12 months that will help strengthen the Charism of St. Eugene de Mazenod in Australia.

It’s been a busy year, but we’re not done yet! We have more events fast approaching, including the Oblate Youth Family Day, The Australian Catholic Youth Festival and the National Oblate Youth Encounter 2020, so be sure to keep an eye out for more updates from us in the coming months!

Upcoming Events!

OYA Family Mass
10am, Sunday 20th October
Mazenod College Chapel, VIC

8th-10th December
Perth Convention Centre
Rego now closed!

National Oblate Youth Encounter
3rd-6th Jan, 2020
Ferngully Lodge, Healesville, VIC

Christian Fini